Spring 2023 OPT and CPT Workshops
Jan. 19, 2023
Dear international students,
I hope this new spring 2023 semester has started well for you!
As you settle into your class schedules and other routines, I wanted to write to let you know about some important events: our upcoming Optional Practical Training (OPT) workshop and the Curricular Practical Training (CPT) workshop.
For this semester, we will hold our OPT workshop on Tuesday, Jan. 24, from 3:30–5 p.m. and the CPT workshop on Tuesday, Jan. 31, from 3:30–5 p.m.
Both workshops will be presented via Zoom (go to this link or use ID 532 212 9830 here).
Both of these workshops will be recorded, so if you are unable to attend the live Zoom sessions, you can watch the presentations later by going to the OPT page and CPT page.
Also, we ask that you review the recorded fall 2022 OPT presentation and the recorded fall 2022 CPT presentation before you attend this semester’s workshops as the information in both presentations remains valid and is still up to date. As a result, we will use the OPT workshop time on Tuesday, Jan. 24, and the CPT workshop time on Tuesday, Jan. 31, entirely as question-and-answer sessions.
We hope to see you online in one or both of these important sessions!
Prayers and best wishes for a great semester.
Christian Stuart, PhD
Executive Director
Christian Stuart